My Top Favorite Mother's Day Photo Gift Ideas

May 01, 2013  •  3 Comments

I have been giving photo gifts for a long before the digital age of creating photo gifts online. Before you could make a photo calendar online, I would actually scan photos at Kinkos and make a calendar and have them spiral bound. I would cut and paste photos to make a photo collage and laminate it to make placemats (which by the way my parents just sent out to me to "show Keeley" aka, get rid of). In college as a way to procrastinate from studying I would cut out pictures of my roommates heads and glue them on top of a Victoria Secret model photo torn from a catalog - it got a lot of laughs and we still laugh about it (and I still graduated on time). So needless to say, I LOVE giving photo gifts! They are unique, one of a kind and perfect for the person who has everything. What's better than drinking coffee out of a mug with photos of loved ones on them? So here is my list of top favorite photo gift ideas (don't worry, the handmade placemats are not on the list...nor the Victoria's Secret models!).


I should also first say that I do not receive commission or any benefit from these sites. Just wanted to pass along my favorite items to help you out as you sit here and wonder what to give for Mother's Day!


1. Mini-accordian album from Mpix, starts at $19.99



I just started giving these as gifts and they are ADORABLE! It's a wallet size with 12 photos, 6 on the front and 6 on the back, and they have different themes/templates to create. Mpix ships within 24-48 hours and if you live in Colorado, it arrives fast since it ships from Kansas. 



2. Personalized cards from Treat, cards as low as $1.99 with a card plan but usually around $3 without one


Treat is a sister company with Tiny Prints and Shutterfly and they are my new card source. You can buy a card plan and then they just deduct the credits from your account as you order cards. Treat rocks because 1) they can mail the card for you (you pay the postage) or you can have it mailed to you, 2) you can schedule when you want cards mailed 3) you can make cards with or without photos and 4) they have a range of cards from hysterically-funny to sweet and simple. Their site is very easy to use and cards are shipped usually in 24-48 hours. I just got an email from them this morning saying there is 4 more days to order cards in time for Mother's Day!



3. Photo Mug from Snapfish, starting at $10.99*



Yes, you can get photo mugs from a lot of places but I'm a loyal Snapfish customer and have been using them since they launched years ago. I like these mugs' size and they have held up well in the dishwasher. I own several that I've received as gifts and have given to myself. My family has a large collection of photo mugs that we have given to each other over the years. Order one by TODAY for standard shipping or Mon. 5/6 for 2-day shipping.



4. Photo notepads from Snapfish, $7.99*



Again, you can order these from other places, but my experience has been with Snapfish and I really like the quality and thicker style paper they use. Making a To-Do list or grocery list is MUCH more fun with these while you enjoy looking at a cute picture that will make you smile. Order one by TODAY for standard shipping or Mon. 5/6 for 2-day shipping.



5. Photo notecards from Snapfish, $13.00* for a set of 12 cards



Ditto on the previous items regarding Snapfish...are you seeing a trend here? These make a great gift, especially for Grandma who probably still writes more hand-written notes than you. She will love using these notecards to send to her family and friends showing off her grandkids!



6. Photo album from Snapfish, starting at $11.99*


I like Snapfish's photo books and the ones from Blurb, but I already missed the standard shipping order deadline on Blurb. Check them out though anyway. Snapfish has a nice range of sizes and options for photo books and they are all great quality while being affordable. I have given and received many photo books and they are so precious to me since 1) I don't keep photos in traditional photo albums anymore, 2) I'm not a scrapbooker 3) I still haven't made the annual family "year books" since not using traditional albums anymore that I've been meaning to make since 2001. See below on theme ideas for these albums...


*Money-saving tip for Snapfish: go to Mr. and you will enter the Snapfish site from there which will give you a 12% rebate back on your order. It also includes a list of current coupon codes for Snapfish. Right now they have 25% off your order plus free standard shipping!



7. Photos on canvas, Canvas Lifestyle, starting at $39



You were waiting to read another Snapfish item, right? Ha, surprise! Again, yes, there are a lot of canvas services out there but after trying one and not having a good experience I discovered Canvas Lifestyle from a friend and then bought some canvases through an online deal. I love the quality and their site is very easy to navigate. Now I almost didn't list this one since the cut off for Mother's Day orders was this past Monday, but if you are like me and sometimes are late on gifts, then this might work (when I'm late giving gifts I like to give a card with a picture of the gift "coming soon"!) If you order today it takes about 3 days for production and then 5 days for shipping to Colorado (not sure about other locations). Otherwise keep in mind for Father's Day or other gift ideas!



8. Gift certificate for a photo session with me, starting at $100, GET $10 OFF IF YOU BUY IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS!





This is especially great for grandparents so they can have nice photos with their grandchildren and children. Give them a gift certificate to use next time they are in Denver visiting and I will photograph them with you and your kids. Then you will have nice photos to use on these photo gifts for future holidays and gift-giving! The gift certificate comes with a nice white envelope ready for gifting. IF YOU BUY IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS YOU WILL GET $10 OFF! Contact me for options/pricing! :)



Now let's talk about photo themes for some of these gift ideas. Here are some ideas to theme your photos:

  • Have the kids hold a sign that says "We Love You" or "Happy Mother's Day Grandma", etc. (would be great on a mug, notepad, card)

  • Collection of photos from your baby's first year (in an album, mug, etc.)

  • Collection of photos from just your vacations (in an album, mug, card)

  • Photos of just mom/kids, mom/grandma/kids (I made an album one year titled "Grandmothers, Mothers, Daughters" with just pictures of my grandmother, mother, sister, me and my daughter)

  • Photos of your kids in everyday life - eating breakfast, playing outside, in the bathtub, reading a story before bedtime

  • Photo alternative - take a picture or scan your kids' artwork and use on these items. I love my mug with a giraffe made out of a handprint by my daughter!


Hope these ideas help you finalize your gifts. I probably should have blogged about this sooner, but if you are like me, I'm just now thinking about Mother's Day next weekend!


Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and grandmothers who give so much every day. You rock!


advanced writers review(non-registered)
A modernized photograph is a blend of pixels - every pixel is overseen as a worth that watches out for its covering and force. Normally every pixel is tended to by a RGB respect (three numbers one byte each with values 0 to 255 watching out for the force of Red,
Brooke Michelsen Photography
Thanks Anne! Glad you liked it and hope it was helpful!
Great blog post
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